
March 9 Trueblood Chapter Meeting

Skwalas– The Hidden Hatch

Presented by Troy Pearse

As we move into March, Skwala nymphs are starting to migrate to the shore to get ready to hatch.  Most Skwala activity goes unnoticed by anglers, but the trout pay attention and are looking for an easy meal.  Skwalas are the first chance of the season to cast a big dry fly for trout, but the hatch can be elusive, frustrating and many anglers miss out. Understanding hatch dynamics is especially important for success.   Come and learn about the Skwala stonefly and how to fish the hatch from the nymph migration to egg laying adults.

Troy Pearse is the Conservation Director at Boise Valley Fly Fishers. He loves to fly fish and is a spey casting and steelhead junkie.  An Idaho native, Troy has been fishing Idaho waters literally since the day he was born.  He specializes in matching the hatch and his fascination with aquatic insects led him to create the Bugometer—a simple tool for measuring bug size—and writing an article about matching the hatch for American Angler titled “Size Matters”. 

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